
Announcement : Renewal of main contents

Allegria Delirante would like to express the greeting from the whole heart to visitors who love wonderful scene of rubber fetishism. Since years no new content had been added to my website. I deeply apologise for my negligence. So I must admit in a straightforward way that some of old contents in the website are already less attractive. Such old-looking works should be renewed.
Then I will let you know that main contents of my website will be shown on new blog format and some examples of new artwork will be also presented at SNS online community “pixiv”. I would be grateful if you could be patient.



そこで、サイトをリニューアルしてブログ形式とし、pixivでも画像を公開していこうと思い、順次更新していきます。ご不便をおかけしますが、今後ともLATEX FELICEをよろしくお願いします。


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